Revenue Protection
RP provides comprehensive protection for crops through a dollar guarantee.
Yield Protection
YP provides protection against a production loss for crops for which revenue protection is available but was not selected.
Actual Production History
APH provides comprehensive protection against weather-related causes of loss and certain other unavoidable perils
Prevented Planting Coverage
PP provides a payment to growers when they are unable to plant crops due to an insurable cause, including weather-related perils and drought.
Crop-Hail coverage provides protection against any yield reductions caused by hail and/or fire. More information on Crop-Hail Endorsements can be found under Private Products & Endorsements.
Adjusted Gross Revenue & AGR-Lite
AGR and AGR-Lite provide protection against low farm revenue due to unavoidable causes.
Group Risk Income Protection
GRIP is an area-based revenue insurance program that provides insurance protection against widespread loss of revenue in a county.
Group Risk Plan
GRP provides a dollar amount of protection per acre based on county yields.
Livestock Gross Margin
LGM provides protection for swine , cattle and dairy against the loss of gross margin, which is based on the difference between the market value of the livestock or milk minus the feed costs.
Livestock Risk Protection
LRP provides protection for swine, cattle and lambs against declining livestock prices if the price, as specified in the policy, drops below the producer’s selected coverage price.
Nursery provides coverage for plants that are container grown, field grown or both.
Pasture, Rangeland, Forage, and Apiculture
Rainfall Index | Vegetation Index
PRF and API insures against widespread loss of production of the insured crop in a designated area called a grid.
Private Products & Endorsements
These products include Crop-Hail Endorsements, Multiple Peril Crop Insurance Endorsements and Private Stand Alone Programs.